Conference on new electoral technologies in BiH held today in Sarajevo

Sarajevo, 29.05.2024. – Through the project “Supporting Electoral Integrity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SEI)”, and in cooperation with the Central Election Commission of BiH and the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod Lupom” USAID BiH has today held the conference “New Electoral Technologies: Best Practices for BiH” in Sarajevo. The objective was to acquaint participants with the upcoming testing of new voting technologies in BiH.                                                                                                                                              

The conference gathered election experts, representatives of election management bodies, civil society organizations, and media outlets from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additionally, attendees from countries such as Georgia, Albania, and Kyrgyzstan, where similar technologies have been tested or implemented, were present.

The first pane "Electoral Technologies Introduced in the Region: Lessons for BiH" shared insights and recommendations for the integration of new voting technologies. Second panel "Overview of Planned Technologies - Pilots 2024" outlined the technological features and pilot projects aimed at assisting the Central Election Commission of BiH. Third panel "Observation of New Technologies in BiH" focused on the perspectives of domestic and international observers regarding the integration of new technologies into BiH's electoral system.

The conference facilitated the exchange of experiences, ideas, and lessons learned, which are pivotal for all stakeholders involved in the modernization of Bosnia and Herzegovina's electoral system. This event laid the groundwork for future collaboration and advancements toward ensuring more transparent and efficient elections.