Certification of candidates' lists and candidates to participate in the 2022 General Elections completed

Sarajevo, July 25, 2022 – The BiH Central Election Commission has at its 35th session, held on July 25, 2022, while considering the Report on verification of candidates’ lists and candidates of political parties and coalitions to participate in the 2022 General Elections and after expiry of the deadline for removal of shortcomings, completed the certification of candidates’ lists and candidates who meet the statutory requirements.

The BiH Central Election Commission had at its 33rd session held on July 14, 2022 certified 750 candidates’ lists, and had informed political subjects to eliminate the shortcomings or irregularities for 78 candidates’ lists within five days (Tuesday, July 19, 2022) in line with Article 4.12, paragraph (2) of the BiH Election Law.

Today the BiH CEC certified 72 out of 78 candidates’ lists that had certain shortcoming and irregularities, whereof only one was partially certified as not all shortcomings were entirely eliminates.

The BiH Central Election Commission rejected 6 candidates’ lists because they do not meet statutory requirements for certification.

In the process of certifying candidates’ lists and candidates the BiH CEC certified 822 candidates’ lists, including 17 earlier certified independent candidates.

The deadline for publication of certified candidates’ lists in the official gazettes and media is August 18, 2022.

Today’s session of the BiH CEC can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtR9Zy6URRQ .