55 . Session of the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina

2. 11. 2017 9 : 30

  1. Report on verification procedure for political parties that applied to participate in early elections for the mayor of Glamoč municipality with a proposal of decisions
  2. Proposal of Conclusion on adopting specific purpose structure of the specifi purpose program – early elections for the mayor of Glamoč municipality
  3. Resignations, termination of mandates and awarding substitute mandates:
      1) Council of Peoples of Republika Srpska
  4. Proposal of administrative decision in case of Municipal Election Commission Stanari
  5. Proposal of Conclusions on adopting Report on inventory of extracted archival material from the registry material and on selection of valueless registry material of the BiH CEC
  6. 1) Proposal of administrative decision on determining subgroups of documents
    2) Proposal of a list of registry material’s categories with retention periods in the BiH CEC
  7. A.O.B.



Dr. Irena Hadžiabdić